Well this little bambino is 10 months old today and I figured since its been 2 months I better get a post up. haha
Haddie is now-
crawling everywhere. man can this kid motor
saying mama, dada, puppup, tickle tickle, no no, uh oh and if you ask her mother she sais binki (bidi)
a bottom-less pit, the biggest mooch you have ever seen no meal is sacred any more
a tease
loving to dig into piles of socks, papers, dishes, toys and it all goes flying (is this our ball player)
a binki baby (first time for me)
a great sleeper
funny and sooooo getting an attitude. haha
I could go on for ever but the boss is now growling at me and pulling on my clothes so I better go.
:) See ya
She's a doll! Can you even believe our babies are 10 months old?!? I know people always say their kids grow up too fast, but seriously--ours were JUST BORN.
Your'e doing better than me--I totally need to get some pictures on my blog!
Happy 10 months Haddie!
how adorable!!!
Can't believe she is 8 months. She is adorable!
I cant believe she says all those words so good and shes only one month older than Madden! what an adorable picture! She is a cutie! :)
Wow, Teresa you are so blessed to have such beautiful little girls. They are all sooo adorable. Congrats, and enjoy. Just reading your blog made me baby hungry! :)Hope you are all doing good!
Hey! Hopefully you see this comment. Just wanted to thank you for your sweet comment about Garrett's birthday. I was so happy I got to talk to Jayda. I miss her a lot & I can't believe how grown up she is. Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you. Your comment meant a lot to me. Love you guys!
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