Monday, February 9, 2009

Kara :)

Well my sweet heart of a big sister, Kara, decided that she would spend her weekend up in good ol Snowflake with me doing some things to get ready for the baby. We were going to get the nursery painted and maybe even get her crib and changing table re-finished, but thanks to a really nasty turkey sandwich from a random gas station she ended up sicker than a dog with food poisoning. Needless to say we didnt get much done as far as that went but its ok we still got to spend some time with her and her sweet new puppies. She also brougt stuff for the girls to make valentines with her and they really loved that. She is always thinking of others and trying to help out wherever she can. Thanks Kara for everything! We love you so much.


Caldwells said...

Hey! I know, your girls are so precious and they get me excited!!! You look so cute prego, all belly. Good luck with everything, you are getting so close!

melinda said...

The girls are getting big! They are adorable and I bet you are excited to be adding another one in just 10 more weeks or so! You look cute too! Good luck getting everything ready for baby!

kaitlynn said...

Those puppies are so cute! I didn't realize how far along you are. I guess we just haven't seen you around for awhile. Hope you guys are doing good.

CASSIE said...

Oh how cute are you!! Totally not big enough to be 29 weeks! I can't wait!

Darren, Felicia, Judd, & Jake said...

You are one of the cutest pregos out there! Your girls are beautiful. Good luck with number three!