Picture yourself in the middle or your taxes, 32 weeks prego only 8 weeks til number 3 arrives, the dog who is living in your laundry room snuck out while you were gone and ate 1/2 the food in your pantry and destroyed your garbage all over the house, your allergies are really bugging you, the 2 year old wants to shove herself onto your ever shrinking lap every five minutes, all you have eaten in the last 6 hours was some soggy nachos and a variety of strange cookies and the computer starts to really tick you off!!! ok Now picture your always giving, super considerate hero walking in from serving at the temple for 6 hours strait, looking at you with those compassionate understanding eyes, giving you a quick shoulder rub and offering to make you what ever your pregnant little heart desires to eat. Ahhhhhhhhh! I lub my dad!
Ps he's not crazy, this is what happens to a man that survives raising 6 daughters!
Did I mention he is a way better cook and entertainer than Julia Childs :)